Arcadia PureSun-Mini has been designed by experts to be used with pet bird species in the home. This attractive kit will not only help to provide energy within light naturally to your pet bird, but it will also allow you to view all of your birds’ colours.
Birds use the suns energy for warmth, to view the world in colour and to be able to make their own essential Vitamin D3. Having optimal levels of Vitamin D3 within the body will help to keep your pet bird in good health.
Vitamin D3, made within the body after exposure to UV-B enables a bird to assimilate, store and use essential minerals such as Calcium. If optimum levels of D3 are not stored in the body, essential minerals such as Calcium simply pass through unused. Improve egg quality, reduce ‘soft-shell’, improve reproduction and maintain feather condition with UVB.
The Arcadia Bird PureSun-Mini lighting kit has been designed to be effective and simple to use. PureSun-Mini is complete with all that you need to get going from day one including the Arcadia Bird 8w Full-spectrum+UV-B (2.4%) bird lamp which is guaranteed to be UV potent for 12 whole months of use (up to 12 hours a day).
The Arcadia Bird Lamp contains the correct balance of UV-A (12%) to enable this. Seeing the full range of natural colours allows birds to find certain foods, but is also used in mate selection, leading to more effective captive breeding.
Size: 8w 31cm